Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

See No Evil by Robert Baer

I finally had the opportunity to read this book. It's written in very readable prose. I'm not a big fan of the CIA and it's intervention in other countries, but then, I'm not a big fan of big business and it's interference in our government and our lives. Why taxpayers should support big business is way beyond my understanding, and in my world with me as president this would stop immediately. Of course, I'd look like Benazir Bhutto the very day I announced this much-needed reformation of American domestic and foreign policy. Yes, I believe they are tangled in very intricate manners.

Which leads me back to this book. This guy makes some horrific accusations. Against both Republicans and Democrats. No need to go into them, they've been well publicized. The point is, even with the honesty with which this book was written, no one is standing up and announcing even a minor change to the way we run our world. It's accepted, it's fact, so what? Corruption is the order under which we must live.

All of which makes me sad. To realize someone who had the ears of important people cannot make an iota of difference in the corruption of our state makes me realize there's really no place for any of us who have faith in humanity changing the world for the better. It's just not going to happen.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

$696,000,000,000 for 9 months

Nothing to say, really. I'm sad. 90 said Yes, including the democartic majority, obviously. Only 3 said no. Voting to finance wars they have not declared as wars. Fascinating and disheartening. I'm going to simply stay away from the news. Sickens me. Can't decide if I want to make the effort to find out who the three courageous souls are.

On a similar subject, we just found out today that the Texas Senate & Governor have signed into law a bill that takes away the physical education requirement of 30 minutes per day for k-8 students. The expectation is that even more time preparing for tests and not coming up for air will make these kids fill in bubbles faster. The irony is the bill goes into effect December 25 (Christmas day), when no schools are in session.

I asked every teacher I could find in my school if they knew this was even being considered, much less passed, and NONE had heard of it, not even in the administration building. Just sorta slid in from nowhere. So much for "of the people".

EDIT - went ahead & did the research. The 3 "nays" were from Byrd (D-WV), Feingold (D-WI), Sanders (I-VT). It is instructive to notice none of the leading candidates for president next year voted for this important bill. They obviously don't want to take a stand on this important issue because it will come back around to bite their sorry behinds. Not voting: Biden (D-DE), Boxer (D-CA), Clinton (D-NY), Dodd (D-CT), Inouye (D-HI), McCain (R-AZ), Obama (D-IL)

Thursday, December 13, 2007


This guy, Ron Paul, must be reading my blog. Just kidding, I know there are 5 or 6 other Americans who feel as strongly as I do about this, but he's the only politician I've read who has made this statement in public:

"No war should ever be fought without a declaration of war voted upon by the Congress, as required by the Constitution." - Ron Paul

Ain't that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" We all know, every single person with any neurons in their brains knows, that the Congress would NOT have declared war on Iraq. They wouldn't in the beginning, and the wouldn't now, which is why myself and 5 or 6 other Americans are calling this war absolutely and totally illegal.

As for the $80 Billion called for every 3 months? Do you REALLY believe it's going to the troops? No one is that stupid. It's, of course, going to the private contractors. But is anyone talking about that? No! Why? The truth hurts us all. Our tax money is making a few private individuals extremely rich. Yes, I know we all know that, but why can't we talk about it openly. Oh, that's right, we're getting back to education. We are testing kids, not educating them. So they won't be able to read and write. BUT! You bet your booties, they can all fill in bubbles!

Ron Paul & Education

Well, true to my plan, I googled Ron Paul & Education. He does, unlike the other candidates, have a policy on education, and it's amazing!

Much further than I've heard anyone talk about since Reagan. Excellent. Don't just do away with NCLB, which I have always said is the only right thing to do. He's actually calling for the constitutionally correct idea to do away with all federal involvement in education! Boy, has my head been buried in the sand. There are real poiliticians that care about people out there.

Gotta go find out more about this fella. He seems just passionate enough to not have a chance to get any votes from my fellow Americans. After all, our culture has taught us to despise and fear true passion. Well, at least he has a website.

Me, oh my, just found out this guy is from Texas! Should make the papers here once in awhile. Would you believe the local papers have NEVER mentioned this fellow?

It's Education, Stupid

It's hard to believe it was 16 years ago when Bill Clinton said the most important issue was "the economy, stupid".

Well, I don't hear any true differences in any of the front runners in the two parties. The little tiny bit I read about Ron Paul in Newsweek tells me he has a different message than the others, so I will start doing more research on him.

But on the things the "front-runners" all consider "important" they, well, they all sound exactly the same. None of them are talking about a complete transformation of the health system, for example. Their position on the war are all identical (except, as I mentioned Ron Paul, who is not discussed as a front-runner).

But the one subject NO ONE is discussing at all is education. I have a theory about that. Let's face it, the guys selling tests are making billions off the backs of our kids, so I'm betting they've bought off ALL the candidates already and there will be NO changes to that sad, sad situation after the next election. After all, the whole boondoggle started under Clinton as Goals 2000; so I don't blame Bush for the entire high-stakes testing culture. However, it is true that Bushes NCLB act has made the situation much worse than before.

But the point is, no one is touching the subject. Not a peep. The future doesn't matter to these candidates. Let's face it, these kids will run the country in the future. Don't educate them now and it will simply allow the elite from private schools who don't have to answer to or pay for government tests to be the only ones truly educated. Thus, the ability to manipulate. Oh, sheesh, I forgot. 90% of these guys we call politicians went to private schools. Oh well . . . So much for a dream of a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Go ahead, call me a dreamer. I was dreaming that could one day be a possibility.

Guess it's time to wake up. I just answered my own question about why they want the schools to keep testing and not educating. Sure, its still about making a few rich people even richer on the taxpayer's dime. But it's also to keep those unable to afford a private education from ever being educated. Guess they learned their lesson in the sixties when kids were coming out of school smart enough to know they were being oppressed.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Wow! An agreement!!!

The White House has said it welcomes the defeat of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's controversial reform plans in a referendum.

"It looks like the people spoke their minds... and I think that bodes well for the country's future and freedom and liberty," a spokeswoman said.

Mr Chavez narrowly lost his bid to change the constitution but says he will try again to win approval.

The changes would let a president stand indefinitely for re-election.

I'm not philisophically opposed to a person being able to run for office over and over again. What's wrong with it is when the whole game is a money game and not a philosophy game. In Chavez' case, it just seemed too egotistical. He needs to build up some people to follow intelligently in his footprints, and this will force that issue. I believe if he's going to pursue this on a more intellectual than emotional plane, then he needs to make his referendum say it will effective after he steps down from office.

I know his fears - giant US firms (read CIA if you wish) coming in and taking over the election process. It's been done before. If he can train his citizens to watch and know when the US is playing those games, he will leave a more lasting impression on history than if he simply becomes "permanent President".

It is intriguing to see that the press has changed the tenor of what the referendum said now that it's over. All the articles from the past few months said he was looking to be the permanent President, which I am totally against. Turns out that now they're admitting he was asking for the repeal of term limits, which I am totally for. I truly believe people can be taught to be smart, and that people wouldn't elect an idiot three times, even if they were stupid enough to elect him twice. Well, gotta take that back, I guess the people didn't have a say in our last two elections. Sorry, writing too fast.

Just for the record - I still think Chavez has a lot to offer the world in terms of understanding the imperialism of the past 100 years.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Jesus In Genesis 001

Over the years I have taught the Bible from the perspective taught to me as a youngster by Vernon McGee. Paraphrased: "If you want to truly love Jesus, find Him on every page of the Bible." I first heard that concept in the mid 1960's. At first I was not successful on my own, but from time to time Dr McGee would mention something that I'd write down. Those were truly exciting days because there was no such thing as "Christian Radio". I would hear Dr McGee on the same station I listened to my favorite top 40 music on.

I later discovered Arthur W. Pink, through the Bibliography in one of Dr McGee's books. That was a deep eye-opener. Then, as I began studying at seminary I started finding my own pictures of Jesus in the Old Testament.
After graduation, as I taught from this perspective, the folks I was sharing with started sharing pictures they saw. I kept track, as much as possible, and have little pieces of papers, notes in various Bibles, personal notebooks, and my faulty memory to create this series of blogs. My prayer is that someone will read these and share their own discoveries with me.

As I start this, I feel compelled to remind everyone that this type of study is extremely personal, and should never be doctrine for everyone. This type of Bible reading is when Jesus opens your eyes to a new truth - for you to share if you wish, but it is for you, and not a doctrine for everyone else to follow. I regard these blogs as love letters. Love that God shared with me directly and through others.

These are not truths others must believe, but love we can all share during this short journey together through Genesis. Feel free to comment whenever you feel moved to. -Rich