Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


This guy, Ron Paul, must be reading my blog. Just kidding, I know there are 5 or 6 other Americans who feel as strongly as I do about this, but he's the only politician I've read who has made this statement in public:

"No war should ever be fought without a declaration of war voted upon by the Congress, as required by the Constitution." - Ron Paul

Ain't that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" We all know, every single person with any neurons in their brains knows, that the Congress would NOT have declared war on Iraq. They wouldn't in the beginning, and the wouldn't now, which is why myself and 5 or 6 other Americans are calling this war absolutely and totally illegal.

As for the $80 Billion called for every 3 months? Do you REALLY believe it's going to the troops? No one is that stupid. It's, of course, going to the private contractors. But is anyone talking about that? No! Why? The truth hurts us all. Our tax money is making a few private individuals extremely rich. Yes, I know we all know that, but why can't we talk about it openly. Oh, that's right, we're getting back to education. We are testing kids, not educating them. So they won't be able to read and write. BUT! You bet your booties, they can all fill in bubbles!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Bad guys took over America, i really do. the sentate and congress will not help us. they seem to support least they make no attempt, real attempt to stop the bad things..
our world will never be the same again because of the Bush years...never will we have what we had before. the rich will take over..and the poor will die. They used to let teachers teach what they knew, but now it's do what they say...and nothing more. "they" have taken over. little people don't matter to them..

1:05 PM  

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