Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh Well

It's always a dream, I guess - hoping the new boss is different than the old boss. So far Obama has reneged on every promise that I cared about (closing the Cuban prison, ending torture, revamping the budget, and most importantly ending the war). He's carrying on with Bushes plans in all these areas instead of stepping forward with "Bold New Plans". I'm disappointed, but not surprised.

I love the line "I inherited a trillion dollar deficit". So, what's the answer? "Double It!" If the deficit makes things bad for the country, then dang it, let's show that we can make it twice as bad.

The bail-out was a joke when Bush suggested it AND got it through congress- a minor miracle in itself. Obama, instead of negating the bailout, said, Hey! These guys deserve $500,000 a year, let's bail them out some more." The fun part, of course, is they ca simply change their job titles and steal more than $500,000 from the coffers; but that's another story.

Another fun line is "the economists are telling me this is the best way". HA! He shoulda talked to my mom, his mom, anyone's mom. Spending money you do not have is never "the best way". The only people who think this is the best way are people who think the system is going to collapse anyway, "so here's our last chance to get out with our pockets filled with someone else's money".

The only thing he's honest about that I can see is the promise that the next few years will be hard on the poor and middle class. What's sad is those are the folks whose votes he courted. Typical.

I was hoping he'd end the war in 10 days, close Guantanamo in one day, put bush & cheney on trial for war crimes - set an example to future despots that war crimes will be labeled correctly by the United States of America, that he'd jail the mortgage bankers who cheated and lied to their customers, and take the failing companies whose workers have always starved while the bosses partied hearty and turn the companies over to the workers to run. Autos can be built without bureaucrats. In fact, everything that has ever been built has been built without bureaucrats - the workers build it, the bureaucrats have profited from their labor.

He should have stood up and declared the failed No Child Left Behind act as a failure. Instead, he's promising to reform it. A guy with his education should have learned somewhere along the line that you cannot reform failure. Simply closing the Department of Education and returning the responsibility of educating back to educators would have been wisdom.

And on and on I go, same old arguments - some of which Obama accepted when he was a candidate, and has now rejected. His children are now in private school, his goal has been reached. Everything else can be forgotten now.

Oh well.


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