Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

$696,000,000,000 for 9 months

Nothing to say, really. I'm sad. 90 said Yes, including the democartic majority, obviously. Only 3 said no. Voting to finance wars they have not declared as wars. Fascinating and disheartening. I'm going to simply stay away from the news. Sickens me. Can't decide if I want to make the effort to find out who the three courageous souls are.

On a similar subject, we just found out today that the Texas Senate & Governor have signed into law a bill that takes away the physical education requirement of 30 minutes per day for k-8 students. The expectation is that even more time preparing for tests and not coming up for air will make these kids fill in bubbles faster. The irony is the bill goes into effect December 25 (Christmas day), when no schools are in session.

I asked every teacher I could find in my school if they knew this was even being considered, much less passed, and NONE had heard of it, not even in the administration building. Just sorta slid in from nowhere. So much for "of the people".

EDIT - went ahead & did the research. The 3 "nays" were from Byrd (D-WV), Feingold (D-WI), Sanders (I-VT). It is instructive to notice none of the leading candidates for president next year voted for this important bill. They obviously don't want to take a stand on this important issue because it will come back around to bite their sorry behinds. Not voting: Biden (D-DE), Boxer (D-CA), Clinton (D-NY), Dodd (D-CT), Inouye (D-HI), McCain (R-AZ), Obama (D-IL)


Blogger Pictures & Poems... said...

I got sick awhile back..depressed. the doctor i saw told me to quit watching the news. said it's not good for me.
It doesn't suprise me that they all voted HIS way..after all they got a huge raise the year he took our social security away..and messed with medicare & medicade.. etc...
from what i read they are gonna take away the jym class & put a class for overweight kids " nutrition i think i read" even the teachers can make crack about overweight at all the sancks the school sells in vending machines BUT no exercise is needed.
It ain't gonna get better my friend.

2:33 PM  

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