Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's Education, Stupid

It's hard to believe it was 16 years ago when Bill Clinton said the most important issue was "the economy, stupid".

Well, I don't hear any true differences in any of the front runners in the two parties. The little tiny bit I read about Ron Paul in Newsweek tells me he has a different message than the others, so I will start doing more research on him.

But on the things the "front-runners" all consider "important" they, well, they all sound exactly the same. None of them are talking about a complete transformation of the health system, for example. Their position on the war are all identical (except, as I mentioned Ron Paul, who is not discussed as a front-runner).

But the one subject NO ONE is discussing at all is education. I have a theory about that. Let's face it, the guys selling tests are making billions off the backs of our kids, so I'm betting they've bought off ALL the candidates already and there will be NO changes to that sad, sad situation after the next election. After all, the whole boondoggle started under Clinton as Goals 2000; so I don't blame Bush for the entire high-stakes testing culture. However, it is true that Bushes NCLB act has made the situation much worse than before.

But the point is, no one is touching the subject. Not a peep. The future doesn't matter to these candidates. Let's face it, these kids will run the country in the future. Don't educate them now and it will simply allow the elite from private schools who don't have to answer to or pay for government tests to be the only ones truly educated. Thus, the ability to manipulate. Oh, sheesh, I forgot. 90% of these guys we call politicians went to private schools. Oh well . . . So much for a dream of a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Go ahead, call me a dreamer. I was dreaming that could one day be a possibility.

Guess it's time to wake up. I just answered my own question about why they want the schools to keep testing and not educating. Sure, its still about making a few rich people even richer on the taxpayer's dime. But it's also to keep those unable to afford a private education from ever being educated. Guess they learned their lesson in the sixties when kids were coming out of school smart enough to know they were being oppressed.


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