Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The truth about the "rebate"

A rebate is usually made when you are overcharged for something to begin with. Very common in industry.

Now, I'm not saying taxes are not too high, but dang it, we have a deficit. Not my fault, I admit; but it's still true - largely due to some big mistakes by the entire government. I blame Congress for not stopping Bush from the get-go. We shoulda never went to Iraq, period. The constitution makes it clear - only the Senate can declare war. But, then, we don't elect people who believe - or even know the constitution. We elect people who sound cute.

These guys all sound cute when they're offering us a "rebate", like there's lots of $$$ hanging around. Few are speaking out, but at least one guy in congress made the foreign press (bbc news):

"We have to remember that every dollar being spent on the stimulus package is being borrowed from our children and our children's children," said Republican Senator Judd Gregg, who voted against the bill."

Amen, Senator Judd. And why didn't he run for President?


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