Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This from the Canadian Prime Minister Harper:

"There's no way the prime minister should start panicking during a stock market fall, or should start making up a new economic policy in the middle of a campaign."

Too bad Americans do not have the same wisdom. The markets fell, the markets will rise again. With or without government interference. If there was no campaign on, or a need to pay off old friends, then the government would be steering clear of this "crisis" and calling it what is really is, a correction in the market. Real estate has been tremendously overvalued, as have stocks in recent years. Pretending they haven't is just playing into the hands of greed.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Could We Win By Default?

Amazing - the Associated Press is finally letting it be published in the US newspapers. Most of us have known that the US had to be out of Iraq by December 31, because the government cannot censor all foreign newspapers. Since it did not censor this US press release from Bagdhad, I can only think that the war may possibly be over finally - before the next President takes office. That will be a great relief all around for everyone!!! Now, if we can just get McCain to stop making threats to Iran and North Korea, there's a slight chance the next President can help the US find grace with the world again.

AP BAGHDAD - A U.S.-Iraqi security agreement spelling out how American troops and contractors operate was supposed to be in place over the summer, but the thorniest issues remain unsettled and neither side is budging.

Time is running out. The deal must be finished and ratified by Iraq's parliament before Dec. 31, when the U.N. mandate authorizing the U.S. military mission expires. Otherwise, there will be no legal basis for the U.S. presence in Iraq.

For President Bush, some of the pressure to get a fast deal has faded since Iraq is no longer a dominant issue in the presidential campaign.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Too Exhausting

NOW THEY DECIDE TO INVESTIGATE!!!! I told you so no longer suffices. We all knew the truth, but Congress refused to listen to the Amrican people. We should, really and truly, insist that congress go without pay for the next 230 years. This is what used to be called taxation without representation, because they ARE NOT representing US. Arrgghhh.

By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writer 7 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The now-bankrupt investment bank Lehman Brothers arranged millions in bonuses for fired executives as it pleaded for a federal lifeline, lawmakers learned Monday, as Congress began investigating what went so wrong on Wall Street to prompt a $700 billion government bailout.

More: The rest of the story...

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Debates Again

Okay, so I'm nuts. I keep listening to the debates, mostly to find out why Koreans are singled out for being short.

I did learn that Mr McCain wants to be Miss Congeniality, and Mrs McCain wants to be Joe 6 Pack. She doesn't mind gay rights, which is good, but for whatever reason she's against gay marriages. Maybe Miss Congeniality can steer her in the right direction, since she wants to be "a Joe 6-Pack".

Friday, October 03, 2008

Just keeps getting better

Yay!!! President Bush signed it into law. Now, not only the rich benefit, but also gives "breaks for such narrowly focused groups as motor sports racetrack owners, film producers." Cool. Now that motor sport race track I bought can make me some real money. Sorry teachers, you're not as important to this country as the racetrack owners. Shoulda produced films instead of thinking of helping the next generation of kids grow up and get jobs so they can also help support the rich.

And I love this tag line: "The measure also has $8 billion in tax breaks for disaster victims."

Think about it.

$700 Billion dollars free to 1000 of the most rich Americans. $8 Billion for the approx 12 million folks who were affected by a disaster this year. Of course, the disaster folks get to write it off. The Rich folks get direct grants. Each rich person gets a full grant of (where's that calculator?) $700,000,000. Each person affected by a disaster can write off $1,500. So what if they lost their home and their job, their small business, their school, their memories? They can write off $1500 off their taxes this year, while 1000 of their favorite Americans can place $700,000,000 more dollars in their off-shore accounts. Oops, I forgot, they each owe Bush a 10% finders fee, so they'll only net $693,000,00 each. Poor folks, I feel so sorry for them.

Texas Senators & Congressman

Both went for the rich:

Texas: Cornyn (R-TX), Yea Hutchison (R-TX), Yea

You know I'll be telling everyone I meet.

Your state listed here:

On the Congressional side, at least my local guy voted with the people. He has my full support. Thanks Ciro - you KNOW people will be hearing about this too. I'm sad so many did not show the cajones that you did and stand up for the people that really make this nation work. At least you did the right thing, and you know that we're proud of you for that. We don't see eye to eye on everything, as you know; but when you are willing to stand up against the pressure of liars and people giving away free gifts to congress, let's just say I'm proud to give you my vote. Wish I could say the same about one of the Presidential contenders. Neither voted for the people of the United States. Kinda sad.

Congressional votes here:

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Questions I Don't Hear

Would the government give 700 Billion dollars to bail out Social Security? Nope. Let them eat cake.

Would the government give 700 Billion dollars to bail out Medicare/Medicaid? Nope - would reek of socialism.

Would the government give 700 Billion dollars to bail out our infrastructure? Nope - no lobby for that.

Would the government give 700 Billion dollars to bail out failing school buildings? Nope - kids can't vote and do not contribute to campaign funds.

Would the government give 700 Billion dollars to bail out teachers who are paid way under the poverty level? Nope. We keep them too busy to complain. Plus, we all know even if teachers did complain about low wages nothing would be done. Most people do not realize that garbage truck drivers make more than teachers, as do police and fire workers.

Would the government give 700 Billion dollars to bail out Nasa/science/research for cancer/research for alternative forms of energy/etc? Of course not.

Would the government give 700 Billion dollars to bail out Executives of failing companies? Now, that is enticing. Let's go for that one. They contribute a lot, and have lots of free vacations, jet rides, surprise boxes in Senator's private homes, etc etc. Can't let friends down.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Clearly they don't speak truth

Well, the senate roll call did not appear in one hour. Nor did it appear in 2 hours. Which could simply mean the webmaster is smarter than the senate and myself, and is tucked in bed sleeping soundly.

And that brings up a great question - why was this vote taken after Sundown? What is the big deal and secrecy about all that? Why did the congress vote late on Sunday? That is strange when you think about it. Like they can't do this in the light of day, because there's no light in the bill. Kinda reminds me of what the Sanhedrin did. These zealots are no different - can't face the light of truth.

Found Text of Senate Bill

Okay. Took a bit of searching, but found it. Have to link through cnn below. Bottom line, instead of 110 pages no one read, the senate version is 451 pages of stuff no one read and is offering lots and lots of promises to some big businesses that you won't hear about in the news. Read the text, and be prepared to start throwing things.

We have the luxury to read what our Senators didn't bother to even glance at.

All 451 pages

Just one of hundreds of examples:
REGULATORY AUTHORITY.—The Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary’s delegate may prescribe such guidance, rules, or regulations as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

If you ain't angry about these terms, then read again.

Paid off, oops. I mean voted in record time.

It's over. 75% voted for. Yeah, right. Like 75% of the American people are for this? No way. You know it, I know it.

You know how to stop rape. Expose it and act on it.

You can find out if your senator is one of the 24 good guys or 75 bad guys in about an hour from now here:

Just heard

60 senators have said aye so far (according to CNN). That'll cinch it for the fat cats. BUT, still has to be approved by Congress, if we're still being constitutional. Sounds like they're forcing a second vote. Let's hope that our congressmen still support us and not the rich cats making them all kinds of fat juicy promises. Yep, I let my buddy know he can't count on my vote in 4 weeks if he turns against us now.

Also heard it's like 200 - 1 American People against the fat cats. That doesn't affect the senators who have always rode the big business gravy train. Read what Woodrow Wilson had to say about those senators 100 years ago. Nothing has changed.