Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

2 months later

The world is slowly changing to something I can appreciate again. The Supreme Court today made me very very happy.

While they have steadfastly ignored people like me who have felt strongly that this war was illegal from the get-go because a modern nation simply does not attack anyone anywhere for absolutely no reason. Iraq had NEVER threatened the United States, had freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, electricty, teaxhers, police, everything a modern society needed. Along with a tough leader who knew how nuts his fellow countrymen were. Now, as Sadam and everyone else in the world knew would happen without strong leadership, there is no longer freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms or enough teachers to teach the next generation. The war we started, without provocation, was not only illegal, it was immoral.

Slowly slowly Americans and our system of checks and balances is waking up to the horrendous harm we've done to our world, and to our own country by not allowing the checks and balances to be real. We want to give the world something we don't even have.

The past week has also made me feel good about "the system" in that I felt sure Hillary would use some sort of sneaky back-door politics (read bribes) to gather the super-delegates around her table. Surprise surprise. Either Obama paid them more, or they are more honest than I thought. I woulda hated to see a McCain-Clinton race because they are both of the same mold.

The McCain-Obama race will open up a whole new realm of possibilities for our country. Let's face it, McCain is a jerk, and really would have probably attacked Iraq - he's part of that old school mentality of "Kill them because they're different than us". I like Obama's rhetoric of keeping the doors of communication with those who think different than Americans open. Find out why the heck they hate us and work on smoothing the rough edges. Methinks they probably hate us because we try to shove ourselves down their throat instead of being a model of a good world citizen. Just a wild guess. I'm not them, tho, so I really don't know for sure.

The cool thing about the race is how hard it si for me to decide. Despite McCain being a real jerk when it coes to foreign policy, I happen to think his domestic policy makes a lotta sense. I heard him saying we should not bail out the banks and mortagage companies that greeded us into deep doo-doo. Nor should we bail out the idiots who fell for the stupid schemes these companies dreamed up to both steal money AND cause real estate to go up 10-20% a year. I agree 100% with McCain. Let the greedy bastards die, some honest companies may come up in their wake. If you bail 'em out they'll remain dishonest and greedy, no doubt.

Also, we gotta be honest, Obama has really given us no real facts about what he means by "change". Is he going to do away with the greed and corruption of the "Department of Education"? Or any other government oragnization? Seems they're all fed by corruption now, I'm just most familiar with the Department of Education because of my job. I have not heard him explain one thing he plans to change.

And how about the end-game for Iraq? I'd love to hear either Obama or McCain stand up and say - December 31, 2008, the agreed upon date to end our involvement, will be honored. You can bet your Haliburton that neither of these guys will say that. I hope they prove my prediction wrong. Wouldn't it be great of America lived up to ONE commitment with the world?

Okay, I just realized I'm getting cynical on this best of days. Maybe, just maybe the Supreme Court will make us honor the commitment we have to leave Iraq on Deember 31, 2008. We'll see. Would be nice if the Supreme Court did that. The Senators and Representatives and Presidents have way too much financial backing from the Haliburton types to make this a public issue on their own.

Good things can happen! Today is proof. The BBC is reorting the good news, I notice that the American Press isn't. But it is good news, indeed.

For the American Bar Association, the ruling helped restore the credibility of the US as a "model for the rule of law across the globe".

Amen to that. There is another issue buried in the article - the Supreme Court is not wholly wise yet. Which makes the next election even more important - the next President will fill a seat or two on the court. Scalia is proving to be a real dummy as a judge:

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who voted against the ruling, warned that "it sets our military commanders the impossible task of proving in a civilian court ... that evidence supports the confinement of each and every prisoner".

The words themselves say it - 'we can't prove them guilty, but we want them to be found guilty anyway.' We HAVE to get rid of people that think like that and bring America back to some sanity. If we want the rest of the world to be sane, we have to set the model. Ha! Listen to me. I'm still one of the crazies who still believes it's not too late to impeach both Clinton and Cheney at the same time. It's never to late to fix a bad bad mistake. The Supreme Court is proving that!


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