Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Loving Our Strange Times

This is just too funny, but typical of what happens when there is discrimination of any sort from any place. Blacks have more benefits than whites in SOuth Africa, so 200,000 Chinese people petitioned to be considered black instead of white. And won.

Love it.

Wonder if that would work here? Guess it does, actually. I've met some white people who officially changed their name to Hernandez or Rodriguez so they could get money to go to college (you don't need to be Hispanic to get the money, you just need a Hispanic surname).

ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Why can't we all be friends?


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