Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Monday, April 09, 2007

The No Dentist Left Behind Act

One of the craziest things about the No Child Left Behind act is whenever you search for it all the paid ads in the search engines point to the "Left Behind" book series, a series I've enjoyed. What a marketing ploy, eh?

Anyway, this essay is great - first I laughed because of the truth of it, then I cried because of the truth of it, and now I'm angry because of the truth of it. I love it when words are powerful. Written by John Taylor, a Superintendent of Schools several years ago, it still packs a wallop. Click the link, read, weep, and get angry.

No Dentist Left Behind

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

Below is a copy of some emails I sent to a colleague. It started off funny. I erased her name, but they are real:


From: Richard
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 10:32 AM

Subject: Out of the mouths of babes

This morning I was prepping seven kids for next week’s vocabulary. One of the words is students?

“What are students?” I asked.

“Kids that take tests” the first child replied.

“Children who are quiet and co-operative and do not wiggle in their chairs” another child replied.

When I told them that a student was someone who learns they all looked at me like I was nuts.

Witnesses: C. P. & N. M.


From: AW
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 11:23 AM
To: Richard
Subject: RE: Out of the mouths of babes

Definitions change over time: Teachers - "people who give tests"


From: Richard
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 11:35 AM
To: AW
Subject: RE: RE: Out of the mouths of babes



From: AW
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 11:42 AM
To: Richard
Subject: RE:RE:RE: Out of the mouths of babes

Glad you think I’m funny. What’s wrong with this picture- I’m not laughing!


Set in Stone

NOTE: This is a real e-mail I sent to a colleague. She was a teacher for many years, and joined the enemy two years back. At first she was taking the teacher's side, and responding to everything with the heart of a teacher. Note that the bold "set in stone" was in the original message. The "implementation visit" she discusses is a group of neo-cons from the federal government who have been invading schools across the nation trying to get teachers to "toe the line." This shows what two years can do to a heart.

I am sure that if I joined the enemy (for a few extra lousy bucks a month) and was fed the same clap-trap baloney day after day for two years that my heart would be fitting more and more in line also. So, this is not about my friend changing sides, it's really about all of us and how we are indoctrinated...

From the ex-teacher:

>>>>One more time, I need you to send me your Tier II time slot that is set in stone. This should also be listed on your lesson plan. When we get our implementation visit, they may walk through during the Tier II time. Please make sure you are pulling your Tier II group daily.

My response:

Sandy – Thanks for that e-mail yesterday entitled “Set In Stone”. I know you are the “messenger”, and do not feel you are the enemy, but the more I think about exactly what is going on, the more I realize this is truly an “us and them” situation. I’m not complaining, and will follow your directives; so don’t look at this as a rebellious note, simply a philosophical musing or meandering.

The point that made me realize everything has been turned over to the enemy was the terminology you used. “Set in stone.” I am a firm believer in the moment. And the fact that teachable moments are not controllable. If a sudden teachable moment appeared at 10:14, and my small group was set in stone at 10:15, well; no more teachable moment.

Now, I’m adult enough to know if I followed that teachable moment and some big-wig entered my room that I would not have to fear, because whatever we are being ordered, we still live in a free society, and that our job is to teach, not follow orders. I am sure that the big wigs in our situation would be proud that someone was teaching instead of being rigid and stone-like. Plus, we all know that teachable moments do not always happen at 10:14; and in reality may never happen at 10:14. So my musings are all in the arena of unreality.

There does seem, however, more and more of us being treated with the slave-master mentality. We are the slaves; you are the master when terminology such as “set in stone” starts creeping into our vocabulary. As if there is no middle ground, as if there is only one possibility, and it’s the one someone else chose for us.

We are either masters of our own destiny, or slaves where virtually all decisions are made for us by one ruling body or another. It's a classic struggle that every person and society is forced to look upon from time to time - individual freedom or state control.

I am not against control. It’s simply when it comes to education it should be control on a local level. More and more we find ourselves being controlled by the state, and even worse, by the federal government. If we give in to such dictates as “set in stone”, we will be willingly giving our freedom away, and I am simply not willing to do that. This giving away of our rights leads to more and more possibility of becoming the society that we as a nation have fought against in several world wars and cold wars. State or federal control does not give freedom, but takes away freedom.

We can no longer teach our students to pursue their own dreams and ideals – they need to be “molded” to fit in to the order created by the government. Once the government micro-manages what, how, and when students are taught, students will not benefit from the fruits of their own learning, or their own thinking. Students will be forced into a position of being guided only by the wisdom of the current government, which changes every few years. Anyone who has had the opportunity to live beyond eight years realizes how fickle and unsubstantial governments can be educationally.

So, while I accuse you of joining the enemy, I know that is not your true heart. My plea is for you to re-join the freedom loving people of the educational community, and forsake your ties to the enemy.

Your friend, Rich