Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Non-Binding Leadership

I shoulda left myself sleep somewhere sometime. Yuck. I read more details. Turns out all the hoopla and news is about a non-binding resolution. Which means, "We'll talk, but no one has to change anything." They will not hold Bush accountable. Why the flake not???? What is he holding over all these folks heads?

The Iraqui President is in the news today bad-mouthing Bush for crying out loud. But, he's willing to take our finances. We're up to 1.2 trillion dollars spent looking for a weapon of mass destruction.

It keeps getting better!

I am on a high!

Now, I know, that talk doesn't always translate into action. But, at least there's talk!

Yes!!! At Last!!!

Bush's outrageousness is finally pissing off the folks in Washington. Here's some names:

Sen. Chuck Hagel, Nebraska (Republican)
Sen. Olympia Snowe, Maine (Republican)
Sen. Joseph Biden, Delaware (Democrat)
Sen. Carl Levin, Michigan (Democrat)

Favorite quote for January: Sen. Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican and potential 2008 presidential candidate, joined Democrats at a news conference announcing the resolution. "I will do everything I can to stop the president's policy as he outlined it Wednesday night," Hagel said. "I think it is dangerously irresponsible."

It's good when people can finally admit the emperor's clothing is not really there. Took 'em long enough, but that's another story. I'm just going to be happy there's some inkling of leadership taking place.

And what a beautiful headline: "Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT) has authored a measure that would prohibit President Bush from increasing troop levels in Iraq without congressional approval."

I heard the comments he made, and I'm very pleased there's someone at this level talking some truth finally. He said something to the effect that when the war started the Senate was sold a bill of good about the weapons of mass destruction; the weapons were never found and we have started a civil war by displacing a strong leader from Iraq. While the US made a mess of things because of the unprovoked military attack, it was largely due to Bush's lies. Thus, Bush should be held responsible, not the US military and the citizens who are being asked to pay for the meglo-maniac's insanity.

Ask for expert help and reject it?

"Kuwait tells U.S. to talk to Iran, Syria"

"The Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan U.S. panel, which had urged talks with Damascus and Tehran on ways of curbing the sectarian violence in Iraq."

And Bushes reaction?

"Bush rejected the recommendation"

Hey, folks, I didn't write this book. The man is clearly being pushed by a self-serving agenda or is completely incompetent - in either situation there should be leadership at the highest levels removing this man's influence from the catastrophes he is causing world-wide. What does it mean when we do not have that type of leadership?

Monday, January 08, 2007

Testing the resolve of the democrats

"The U.S. military launched a strike against several suspected members of al-Qaida in Somalia, a government official said Monday night. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the operation's sensitivity. . ."

I see this as totally testing the resolve of the democrats. We are openly invading another sovereign nation - an act of war - a war that was not declared by congress - a clear and potent violation of the US constitution. Let's see. I'm making no predictions. I would like my new congressman to be the first to stand up and call for impeachment. I wouldn't bet on it, but Bush is testing - and if he wins this fight without a contest . . . what will it say about true leadership in our country?

Friday, January 05, 2007

A True Military Hero

First Lieutenant Ehren Watada

There are some early comments on the page, but check out the later, more thoughtful comments by a "agoldenegg" who graduated from west point & has actually been to Iraq 3 times:

Well, new year, same noise

Just heard Bush. Basically he's dropping all the military leaders who feel he's wrong and hiring on a bunch of "I always say yes the the commander" types. I guess I shouldn't have hoped for better leadership, but I did. 20,000 more Americans in Baghdad next month. Sheesh. We don't learn.

Loved the other quip, when Bush said Saddam Hussein had been given justice that "the thousands of people he killed had not". Yeah, right. And what about the tens of thousands of Iraquis dead at the hands of American leaders. Any chance at all in them seeing justice? What about the ones still being held in Guantanamo, even after the Supreme Court said it wasn't cool? Heck, we can keep pointing fingers. My favorite one here in Texas are the folks in Waco that will never see justice. Dead by the hands of fellow citizens for what cause? Money. It always comes down to that.

On another issue, I love this: "Based on current political trends, within 2 decades 95% of the school year will be devoted to testing." - Michael Giangreco. It's already at 35%, and I can see where some of the things we're hearing about will raise it to 40% within a year.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Dream To Remember

I'll write more about this after it's all sunk in deeper, but I have to get this one line out. I was interviewing Dylan after watching him create a new song on the side of a hill with 100 cellos.

He said, "Who am I? I am the tree that grows through you and reaches for your conservation."

We discussed many other things, unfortunately things I already agree with. Hmm. Wonder why? Oh yes, it was my dream. Oh well. Still a great line. Can't figure out if it's as profound as it felt when I first "heard" it, or if...well, you decide.