Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Vice Presidents

Was super disappointed by Obamas VP pick. My thinking is simple - we're bringing a new generation into the White House, why pick an old fogey who not only has approved every single one of Bushes military budgets, but made sure they passed. That puts him square one on the side of everything we did in Iraq. I was also disappointed by the democratic platform & it's total support of the Bush education policies. So, with an Obama or McCain administration we're in for 8 more years of really poor education policy for our nation. And it looks like the war will stay status quo. That, plus the fact after 8 years Obamas VP will not be ready to step into his shoes in the new century. He's deeply rooted way back into historical blubberings in Washington, jsut like McCain.

However, McCain's choice today enlivened the discussion, so that's something to be grateful for. While I could not stand any of the crap that's come out from McCain headquarters the past few days, today's announcement was a pleasant surprise.

I'm sad Obama listeend to the old guard in charge of his "party." There were plenty of young people he could have chosen who are well-equipped to lead this country, including several women. But, he balked.

I can't help but think that McCain took deep advantage of that balk by choosing a VP that will be equipped once he leaves office. That is exciting & makes the next few weeks promise to be exciting. While I can't vote for McCain, I also now can't vote for Obama (because of the old white man he chose to help him lose my confidence in his leadership). But, wouldn't it be fun to vote for McCain's running mate with the knowledge that she is a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Dunno for sure. She'll probably turn out to be another politician; but it looks like she hasn't been in the game long enough to really be one of the good old boys yet. I'll be watching.


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