Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Osama's Plumber

Gotta wonder how much the person that drives arounf George Bush knows about the secrets of the white house? My bet is the guy who fixes meals knows more than the driver.

So, bets are on - who is next to be jailed for life? Bin Laden's cook? Don't forget his plumber. Oh, and bets are on that the Nanny who raised him knows some of his secrets also. Wonder how long she'll have to stay in jail?

What angers me the most is that Salim Hamdan is returning to jail after being held without access to the world for 5 years for 30 more years beacause he did nothing more than provide a service to Bin Laden. We seem to forget that the United States government provided many services to Bin Laden when he was fighting for us against Russia. We supplied weapons and finances. This guy didn't even supply the car he was driving. He was simply driving. Arrrggghhh.

I hope the guy that drives Cheney around (you KNOW it isn't a woman driving Cheney) gets 40 years.

My current hero is Aafia Siddiqui. If every person attacked by the US military had her guts we'd have a much better world. The military has got to be called to task for their utter disregard of human rights. Long live Aafia, and I'll be the first to apologize for the young men that were ordered to mug her.


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