Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Almost free = Almost pregnant

Well, heard the good news on the radio - Bin Ladin's driver will only be in jail for 5 1/2 years instead of 30. PLUS, even better, he gets 5 years off for the torture they've put him through for the past 5 years! So, only six months to go,

Then, EVEN BETTER NEWS! Because he's still under military control, when he gets outta jail, they send him straight back to Guantanamo for even more torture.

Aren't we just nifty groovy world citizens?

Actually, I have a feeling the jury has an ace up their sleeves. They did not let him out for time served, because Cheney/Bush would probably have him killed one way or another. With six months left to serve, he'll be protected until Cheney/Bush are out of office. Then we'll see what the new Prez has cooked up. McCain will probably want to torture him himself. He claims the Vietnamese tortured him, now's his chance to get back at someone/anyone. Obama - anyone's guess. My hope is that he'd free the guy & all the other prisoners. But, he's political, so who the heck knows what he'll do?

It's like asking about the no child left behind act. Neither major candidate is taking a stand on that. Too much of a hot potato. Too many kick-backs being passed around & who knows who has the "list". We'll just have to wait and see. As always.

I pity the poor limo driver. Almost fits perfectly. I Pity The Poor Immigrant becomes I Pity The Poor Limoman. Help me out here, Bob.


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