Chavez - looney tunes?
Every time I think I may regain my respect for Chavez he goes off the deep end. I'm beginning to wonder if the man isn't simply ready to be committed. My respect for him came from his ability to be honest and not accept the crap Bush was feeding him - and being willing to forego "American Aid" in exchange for freedom from the oppressive presence of America. I respect that.
But his inability to get along with anyone else, well, it makes one stop to ponder. I gave my 2 cents when he decided he wanted to be king. I thought that was way over the top, but now he's ending up toppling himself by being overly sensitive to criticism.
Jeez, dude. Hopefully you're just paranoid enough to keep checking out what people on the net are saying about you. My advice, lighten up a bit, accept some criticism from your friends and neighbors, and if it doesn't fit, let it slide off your back. If it does fit, then think about how to go about being a bit more down-to-earth and regaining some of the respect you're losing from your friends. -Rich
But his inability to get along with anyone else, well, it makes one stop to ponder. I gave my 2 cents when he decided he wanted to be king. I thought that was way over the top, but now he's ending up toppling himself by being overly sensitive to criticism.
Jeez, dude. Hopefully you're just paranoid enough to keep checking out what people on the net are saying about you. My advice, lighten up a bit, accept some criticism from your friends and neighbors, and if it doesn't fit, let it slide off your back. If it does fit, then think about how to go about being a bit more down-to-earth and regaining some of the respect you're losing from your friends. -Rich