Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

WOW! Security Pact Approved by Iraqi Cabinet

Time for the rubber to meet the road here. Here's the agreement for the US to stay in Iraq, released today:

* placing US forces in Iraq under the authority of the Iraqi government
* US forces to leave the streets of Iraq's towns and villages by the middle of 2009
* US forces to hand over their bases to Iraq during the course of 2009
* US forces to lose the authority to raid Iraqi homes without an order from an Iraqi judge and permission of the government.

I am very interested in the first one. Suppose I am a member of the US Army. I volunteered to do this. Now, I am serving overseas with many extensions on my term because my fellow citizens aren't joining up to help me kill and maim people who aren't truly our enemies. But, I joined in good faith to protect MY country, the United States of America, blind to all the political truths.

I feel good despite the chaos we have created, because I am serving MY country. Now, on December 31, 2008 my government has made the choice for me to no longer be under US authority, but under Iraqui authority. What do I do? Do I mamby-pamby and grin and bear it, or do I stand up and say, "No"?

It will be interesting to watch what the men and women who serve in the military do.

My opinion, such as it's worth, is that this deal is pretty dang good for Iraq. I'm all for it in principal. But I know this does not bode well for the future of our military.

I believe in protecting my country from a foreign invader. I do not believe in serving my country in order to steal from another country, as we're doing in Iraq in Afghanistan. I will not support that. But suppose Canadians decided to go ahead and rush for the borders ready to kill every American they see? It sure would be great to have a military to mess up their plans. However, what bright 18 year old is going to join the US military with the knowledge that they will no longer serve the United States, but a foreign government?

What is not coming out, but I'm trying to find out - is this a done deal? Is this the plan the US government approved & signed already? I do not recall any public debates over whether or not we should hand our troops over to the Iraqi government? Are we as citizens going to continue to allow deals to be made in private, without our knowledge? Did Congress approve this? Does the President have the authority to do this without Congress? What about the Supreme Court? Shouldn't they weigh in on something this serious? Many questions. I'm interested if there are any answers.


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