Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

New President-Elect

Just heard McCain's gracious speech. I am thrilled that the ugly denial of voters rights in places the past two presidential elections were not repeated tonight. I'm sure we will regain our standing in the world's eyes as people who care for our fellow earthlings, not people who have a sick and ugly desire to dominate every corner of the earth for capitalistic gain. We shall see, but I am trusting that President-Elect Obama will at least be open to the truth that we do not live alone on this planet.

Sounds like President-Elect Obama is going to speak on the radio. Let's see if he moves us forward in spirit!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hoping he creates jobs ASAP...Ohio needs them bad. My husband ha been laid off 3 months and not 1 job referal from the Unemployment ofice. not 1. He signed up for collage. but we need jobs. a lot is said about the middle class & upper class yet the poverty line is getting bigger and bigger by the day...He got my vote and all my family and friends vote. I too was worried about them cheating again. or pulling out something sneeky...But, now that Bush has us in such a bad mess, i thnk McCain was trying to lose. so they can blame what happens on Obamma...when it will be 8 year of Bush that they are blinded by..McCain did some very nasty phone calls about Obamma in Ohio. real nasty.
connie in Ohio

12:38 PM  

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