Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I threw my ticket in the trash

I thought I had a great ticket in Palin-Obama. But, as always I've learned politicians sound better when they don't say anything.

Today I heard her praising a bunch of 18 year old National Guardsmaen, who are sworn to protect our country, for choosing to go to Iraq to kill "the enemy that killed our citizens". I hate when politicians play this mind-game. It's long been proven the Iraquis had nothing to do with 9-11 (she gave the speech yesterday, on the anniversary of 9-11). It was, in fact, allies of ours that planned and carried out the attack (Saudi Arabia).

If we assume she's innocent of knowing these truths, which could very well be; that simply means she is not ready to lead. If, in fact, she simply lied, then again, she is not fit to lead. So, feel free to laugh at my earlier naivete - I feel foolish.

The funniest part is she was talking to a bunch of young men, including apparently her son, who were 11 years old when the attack took place. She has no qualms of sending them, including her son, to death - not to protect our country; but the 'interests' of a few rich people in our country. Shallow.

I heard one commenter suggest that perhaps she wasn't talking about the 9-11 attacks. Perhaps she was talking abut the Iraqui "insurgents" who have killed our troops since we invaded their country. No matter. I only need remind those 'give her a chance' folks that the British called the American revolutionary army "insurgents". On our side of history we call them Patriots. And you and I both know that once the Iraquis finally get us off their soil, they will be holding up their patriots as brave fighters who dies for their country and beat the oil-seeking Americans off their homeland. We all know that no matter how this war "ends", that we will always be seen by the world community as the invaders of a country who had not done one thing to the Sovereign nation of America except refuse to allow our spies in their land. That was the only thing they did against "US".

Sounds like several other countries who are expelling the CIA from their soil in recent days don't believe we'll attack them. Time will tell. We need the CIA to protect the profits of the few - if they're not allowed, then watch the military take the next step. Fascinating how this keeps on happening over and over. "Where have all the flowers gone?"

Bye Ms Palin - it was nice thinking that you had some independence from the machine there for awhile. But I'm learning that I haven't learned either. Truth is no one can get where you are now without being an integral part of the machine. I was just hoping that "A change was (finally) gonna come." I know, the answer is always the same. "There'll be pie in the sky when we die." I can dream, can't I?


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