Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

US "Intelligence"!!!

The US has revealed that it has spent $43.5bn on intelligence during 2007
(so far).

Well, well, well. Now. Just imagine if that amount had been spent on rebuilding falling apart schools, and adding electricity to schools that do not have enough amperage to run a few computers without throwing all the breakers off. Or, better yet, stop using the xerox machines and purchase textbooks. Oops, that's not right, that wuld be a cost savings in and of itself. Skip that idea.

Anyway, point is, instead of using good money to help schools create true intelligence, we are using the funds to purchase opinions of where the WMD may still be in Iraq. We know we sold it to Saddam, we still have the dang receipts. Where the heck did he hide 'em?


US intelligence budget disclosed

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chavez - a fading hero - my 2 cents

I have (had?) a lot of respect for Hugo Chavez. But, he's starting to let his intelligence go to his head. By not allowing any opposition he's becoming more and more like Bush, and less and less a true socialist. I have no problem with constitutions allowing multiple terms for President - our country ran very well on those terms for over 150 years. If there's an idiot at the helm, it's the responsibility of the people to vote him/her out; not term limits.

Socialism, as envisioned by Marx & Engels, is pure democracy - people rule. We all know, especially after the last two elections, that we are not a democracy, but a republic. I've always lived in this republic, but see how the future of the United States would be much brighter if we were run by a democracy, not by a corporation. I have faith in the intelligence of people.

For a long time it seemed liked Hugo Chavez shared that faith, but since he's starting to not allow an opposition voice to have a platform it looks more and more as if he's patterning himself more after Lenin than Marx.

Today's article on Chavez

Doris Lessing - My New Favorite Hero

Someone who can speak clearly and with a long-term view always impresses me. Well, Doris Lessing is able to say everything I've been saying in the past 6 years about Bush with one very simple sentence. And, wow, she sums up Americans in 3 words, and she's not generalizing but being totally honest. Very cool.

Read the words of Doris Lessing