Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Moth Confesses II

Who woulda thought research on music would lead to a new world of research? I'm not sure these guys are all totally sane - after all, one needs to research the researchers to know what's really going on; but I can't deny there's some fascinating reading.

I started this journey because Bernd from Germany told me about the Tupper Saussy Museum - he's one of the motivating forces behind The Moth Confesses, having written the wonderful music. Well, the site lead me to Tupper Saussy's blog called Honest Things.

Digging around, there was also an article called Sympathy for Dick Cheney in the museum. Well, I've always considered Dick Cheney a theif and a liar, so I was interested in seeing another viewpoint on him. Have to say, the article definitely added a few things to my knowledge - a lot actually. Some things you just feel by listening to a man - but these folks have actually done research beyond the voice. Of course, I again say, I haven't had time to research the researchers, but I'm still having fun reading their ramblings.

The Dick Cheney article lead me to a 9-11 research site, which is a virtual museum in itself. I haven't fully absorbed everything there, but I plan to take a lot of time there to develop an understanding of where the folks maintaing the site are truly coming from. A side trip from the Dick Cheney article led me to - a suspect site, because the first page I read seems to blame the government and global warming for hurricane Katrina. I'm old enough and wise enough to know that's pure silliness; but there is other research on the site pertaining to oil and how it's being piped that seem honest enough to peek into. So, I plan to spend a few hours there.

I've spent the past few weeks listening to the media blame the government for everything that went wrong because of the Hurricane. Anyone who knows me knows I am not a big Bush fan. But, this was a natural event that could not be stopped at any point by anyone. A catastrophe of this magnitude could be seen afterwards as predictable; but anyone with knowledge of history knows we have never been able to properly prepare for these things as humans. We have always been taught to react to catastrophe, not prepare for it. This is going to sound cold - but I'm going to say it anyway. The small numbers of death that happened as a direct result of this tremendous force called Katrina is a glowing and praiseworthy testiment to our local, state and federal government. Would it have been better if not one life were lost? Of course. But that's where we get into dreamland. There's always people who will stay behind.

I lived on Oahu when a Tsunami hit the North Shore. Several people refused to leave their houses, and one nut case decided to surf the Tsunami. If I lived in New Orleans, I probably would have been one of the nutcases that tried to tough it out. That's one of my quirks, and I figure there's others with similar quirks. One of the leaders in New Orleans said just before Katrina hit: The Die-hards who stay will simply die hard". Perfect analysis. I don't believe in forcing people to leave their homes.

Could things have been managed better? I'm sure. Hopefully wise heads will prevail and learn how things could have been managed better and utilize this knowledge in future catastophes instead of blaming people and governments for this one. It irks me that people are angry about the aftermath of Katrina - an event that could not be prevented, but not angry about our government attacking Iraq without cause - an event that could have been prevented.

All this blabber comes from trying to analyze the mind of a brilliant musician. I did find a hint into that, by the way - the web site said he was "imbibing large quantities of 'Penny Lane' and 'Good Vibrations' " =:-)


Blogger Unknown said...

I don't believe anyone is to blame for Katrina. I do blame Bush for his attitude ( you had to notice it) when he first saw the damage. I don't think he cares about poor people. I think to him it was one less social security check A few less food stamps etc. These was poor people. Really poor. Did you see when he kissed the black girl? It was like when they used to kiss babies to get re-eleced. It was fake.
I believe humans couldn't of done much but God could. and He couldn't save them all but He saved a lot. There have been a lot of bad things happen ( like the space shuttle exploding over Texas) where no one was killed. and floods and storms where I've been amaised that no one was killed. Some people died this time, yes, but the numbers are fewer than expected and only God could do that. He did good. I wish no one at all died but it hit three states real bad. and they say it's the worst one ever so the numbers are better than expected..
And Dick Chaney is the worst vice president I think there ever was. He's no Al Gore.

6:35 PM  

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