Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Dawn in The Crescent City by Hank

A few of us had gathered on the third floor above Tipitina's to ride out the storm...

It was a long night, with the black shutters bangin and the windows blowin in, but When we saw the sun come out Tuesday mornin, some of em started a little survivor's party....

There were men that should've known better, braggin about how it would take more than a "little gal named Katrina" to run em offa their precious Quarter.....

That was when the levee broke and swept them all away; Ponchartrain turned our city into Venice; turned Canal Street into the real thing, turned Bourbon St into Sewage St and turned the third floor of Tipitina's into sea level....

I've always known it, but it sure is a reminder.......

Jus' when you think you're back in the boat, the shark grabs onto your foot....

Jus' when you think you've left that ol Devil far behind, he sneaks up and grabs you by the, um...... neck.... Jus' when you're outta the woods the tiger catches up to you......

ah, y'all know what I mean....

Lord, Amighty, But That lucky ol sun don't do nuthin at all but roll round Heaven all day; the rest of us got some awful work to do............

Send us some music.....

Send us Some Prayers....

Rev Buckman (
See more of my writing at:

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Hank - thanks. I've been unable to think at all. You helped me start to get centered. Stole your words & posted them in my blog - I've been absolutely speechless since Pat Robertson suggested our government should murder foreign leaders who disagree with our foreign policy. I knew some of these folks only pretended to be Christian to collect $$$, but, man, to be so obvious about it has left me depressed. And then, Katrina on top of that. Thanks for helping me start get a clear picture of all the mud. -Rich