Just Peek and Think It Over
Cynthia McKinney's blog for today (Green Party Candidate)
Also, in the spirit of democracy, we should see all these folks at tomorrow's debate:
Green Party/Cynthia McKinney
Republican Party/John McCain
Democratic Party/Barack Obama
Socialist/Brian Moore
Independent/Ralph Nader
Libertarian/Bob Barr
Prohibition/Gene Amondson
Independent/Alan Keyes
Constitution/Chuck Baldwin
Socialist /RĂ³ger Calero
Boston Tea/Charles Jay
Socialism Liberation/Gloria La Riva
New American Ind/Frank McEnulty
LA Taxpayers Party/Ron Paul
Reform Party/Ted Weill
I never heard of the Boston Tea Party as a political party before, but it's got a groove to it's name. I'm also going to look up the Prohibition Party - have no idea what they want to prohibit. Hopefully politicians. Actually, I plan on looking them all up. I did like Cynthia's essay today. Not real clear on whether or not she wants to join the rest of Washington DC and bail out the rich, but at least she'd make demands on them and jail the criminals who are running those companies before giving the bail-out.
Also, in the spirit of democracy, we should see all these folks at tomorrow's debate:
Green Party/Cynthia McKinney
Republican Party/John McCain
Democratic Party/Barack Obama
Socialist/Brian Moore
Independent/Ralph Nader
Libertarian/Bob Barr
Prohibition/Gene Amondson
Independent/Alan Keyes
Constitution/Chuck Baldwin
Socialist /RĂ³ger Calero
Boston Tea/Charles Jay
Socialism Liberation/Gloria La Riva
New American Ind/Frank McEnulty
LA Taxpayers Party/Ron Paul
Reform Party/Ted Weill
I never heard of the Boston Tea Party as a political party before, but it's got a groove to it's name. I'm also going to look up the Prohibition Party - have no idea what they want to prohibit. Hopefully politicians. Actually, I plan on looking them all up. I did like Cynthia's essay today. Not real clear on whether or not she wants to join the rest of Washington DC and bail out the rich, but at least she'd make demands on them and jail the criminals who are running those companies before giving the bail-out.
The 1992 Presidential Debates with Ross Perot were not dull. His warnings have now come true. Replace John McCain with Ron Paul. Add Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney. Barack Obama must earn his victory, not win by default.
Yep, I agree with that sentiment. And if he keeps on sounding like Bush he might just lose. Sure sounded like Bush this week.
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