Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Answering The Question

I was asked by several colleagues why I did not participate in the 9/11 celebration. You know how it is with colleagues, you have to have 100 words or less because attention spans don't last much more than 12 words.

The main reason is the original day depressed me, and the children I am teaching this year were only 1 year old when it happened. Why celebrate?

The other reason is more personal. I'm still pissed that we were attacked by 19 Saudi Arabians and 2 Egyptians yet chose, as a nation, to make scapegoats out of two countries that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. We have absolutely destroyed two countries for no reason, and have nothing to show for our lack of self-control except the disgust of the other major world powers over our failed attempt at colonization.


Blogger Pictures & Poems... said...

Why would we celebrate this day anyway? there's nothing good about that day.not a thing. we went to war..and a lot of people died tragic deaths.. Sad isn't it?
America is falling apart..people can't afford to live..all for nothing.
I'm with you 100% on this post.

7:20 AM  

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