Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Better Late Than Never!

Just got back from work. Been busy reading rather than complaining the past few weeks, but todays news has me elated. 4 years too late, but better late than never. Hope some leadership in congress gets this bus off the poorly paved road it's been on. The war is not a democrat-republican issue. It's a United States Citizens against Bush issue. He lied from day one, and many many of us believe he knew he was lying. There were no Iraquis attacking the US on Set 11, nor were there any Afghani men or women. The use Bush made of the military was purely a personal agenda. The fact that the military went along with it is another issue altogether - I believe that needs to be investigated also. We all know about the pipeline being built in Afghanistan, and we all know about the profits being made in Iraq by members of the administration. It's all old news, but I'm glad it's starting to hit the front pages and some Americans are finally waking up to how deeply they've been duped. Horray for some good news at last. Let's hope it doesn't fade away.

Edit: Found out my hero of the day has a name: Harry Reid. Need to learn somemore about him. May need to send some presidential support $$$ his way.


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