Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

110 pages - I read them, did you?

The most important question is - is my family a financial institution? We do, after all, sell our services for cash and use that cash to make investments in food, gas and housing. Occasionally a pair of shoes are nice too, and some clothing so we can continue to appear in public so we can continue to sell our services. Anyway, the food sometimes can't be bought because we have to purchase enough gasoline to make it to the e=areas where our services are needed. I think that qualifies my family as a financial institution. Therefore, I want my portion of the TARP funds. I'm not greedy, either. I simply want the portion you expect my family to pay for. As I read this you are asking my family to pay for approx $350,000 of this bail-out for the rich. That's way more than the retirement plan that Nancy Pelosi said she's protecting. Oh yes, I know - you're not asking me to pay off the debt you are placing my family into right away - you plan for us to pay it all back, with interest, so our total payment in 30 years will actually amount to $2,346,786.37. Yeas, I got it, I understand. Interest. Of course. Of course, we should pay the interest, not the rich people you're giving my money to this year. Gotcha. I still think if you simply give us the $350,000 that we can figure out how to survive when those rich folks go bankrupt. You know they'll survive with the funds they have socked away off-shore. Plus, as I understand the bail-out plan, the bail out is not restricted to US companies. You're more than happy to bail out foreign-based companies also. Fine. Do what you want. Just give me my share first and let me decide which one I think needs to be bailed out. I'm sure these guys have no intention of giving it back to us anyway. Be serious - when is the last time a company allowed a worker to stay around in the company long enough to actually retire. Hasn't happened in many years - so you can't fool me by saying you're protecting my pension plan. You know and I know everyone gets downsized at least a year or two before retirement. Yeah, yeah. Give me my family's share and I won't tell anyone else to look at the fine print. I want my TARP. Give me my TARP. I know you want me to stop saying TARP. If I say TARP enough this will pop up on the top of the search engines. In the next few days even though no one will read your 110 pages, the newscasters will say the word TARP, and people will be googling TARP. I hope members of congress will google TARP and read this, because I know they won't have time to read 110 pages before you force them to vote on this TARP stuff. HA! I just figured out why you used a common word like TARP. You think we'll all think we're some sorta ground cover that we can use as a TARP when we lose our houses and have to sleep under the stars. Well, last I thought, which musta been a few years ago, I realized you couldn't legislate away our stars. I know you guys in "elected" government all have great plans to not lose your homes - but I've also seen how many of you have gone to jail the past few years. Lets hope there's at least one honest FBI gent who reads section 127. Much as I think most of our government is corrupt, I still have faith that there's a few good guys out there willing to put you all in jail for pocketing TARP funds, or making sure your relatives and college roommates all get TARP funds. Gotta good feeling my family won't be considered a financial institution, even though we'll be the ones paying for your bailout plan. We're already paying your salary, and your staff's salary. Oh, yeah, you forgot that, didn't you? Those guys in the corporations you're helping buy you fancy things and give you rides in their fancy jets, but they do not pay your salary, your health care, your staff, your secret service agents, all of their dental and eye care plans. I pay that for you. Yep. Regular citizens like me pay for all the necessities, plus a few goodies. All the things the corporations give you, well, that's called personal greed. You don't need it, you just crave it because it's "free". Well, someday we might decide to stop paying your salary. I'm sure you'll survive. You can become a consultant at $10,000 per speech. You can talk about how the citizens finally got angry because you stole their future in order to make some rich people even richer. TARP TARP TARP. I know some of you think this is going on way too long. My point exactly. If you can't bear to read this little bit, do you think you're going to give honest thought to 110 pages? Vote no! I wonder how many of you will take the time to even click on the link to learn more about TARP?


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