Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ben Rehder * Guilt Trip (new book)

Haven't posted for a few days because I've been reading. I found a copy of the book mentioned by Hank Beukema in his letter below about FDR. I found the book for $4.00 and have been devouring it - kinda scary to learn in detail what the US of the early century was like. Wasn't much different than the US of the early part of this century; but much different than the US of the 1960's that I grew up in. It's quite obvious to me I woulda been in jail if I were living then simply because of my belief that war should be the final option. The writer makes it clear that Wilson was duped into a lot of things by the European leaders. I haven't finished the book yet, but it is definitely fascinating when it talks about the events going on around FDR. However, the parts about FDR himself can get somewhat boring because of the tremendous detail.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting today is a received a mass e-mail from Ben Rehder, and he's got a new book coming out. He's always a fun read & I recommend his work to anyone who simply wants to enjoy their reading experience. Comparing writers is always dangerous because people get the wrong idea; but the closest I can think of is Janet Evanovich. Sure, her last few have been way over the top and we've stopped caring who Stephanie Plum is gettting wet over - which is why it's dangerous to compare. Suffice it to say, Ben Rehder serves up the Texas Hills with a good taste of the wierd fun that people up here like to have. I'm hoping his new book continues in this vein. He's posted a sample chapter on-line:

To sample his prose, here's a snippet from his mass mailing:
"And for those of you who don't know, audio versions of BUCK FEVER, BONE DRY, and FLAT CRAZY are available from Recorded Books ( Listen to them in your car and watch your passengers hurl themselves from your speeding vehicle. Which means a lighter car. Which means you'll save gas. Everybody wins!"


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