Sabinal Blue

Visiting The Thoughts Of Yet One More Person

Meanderings of an introverted dancer - a public school teacher with thoughts on music, politics, and life in the hills.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Well, my faith in Americans is coming back. Thanks!!! Now, let's see if any of these guys has balls enough to impeach the President on legal grounds - so many illegal things were ordered by this white house that it should be a no-brainer. (Views of Impeachment)

The other good news is I have my sense of humor back - there were two seperate articles in today's news; but when a person of my ilk puts them together I discovered that Burns & Allen conceded today! Of course, young people will be scratching their head, but a quick web search on these troupers will gain a giggle from anyone with a sense of the absurd =:-)

Burns And Allen (old timers)

Burns & Allen 2006


Blogger Cholla Needles said...

Thanks for the info. Nancy is another question altogether - if she were leadership material, she would have instituted the impeachement proceedings as soon as the war started, or even before. She said she was "thinking about it". Well, as Bush has shown, a leader doesn't necessarily take time to think. In his case, not thinking has brought a travesty. In her case thinking has only prolonged this sad situation.

I like your idea, and will write a similar letter myself based on some of your ideas. But, I have learned directly from representatives that they disregard form letters - they do consider putting original letters in stacks and seeing which stack is highest before taking time to "think".

Obviously her decision to reconcile with Bush this week shows that the stack of original letters is really small.

Of course, back to my original argument - a leader does not depend on public opinion, but does depend the Constitution of the United States. There's no doubt our current leaders have no concern for our constitution.

4:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's sad is that by the time we fix everything, Bush has torn apart,he will have already made his friends, in his mind, he got what he was after...people are losing their homes everyday because of Him....gasoline is going back up where he had it before, around here people are going from middle class to below poerty level daily....the good jobs moved out of town and to have them we have to drive 50 miles from here and back..some further...and those who are falling now will have already hit rock bottom long before things are back to good.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Cholla Needles said...

I'm in a pretty lucky position because I am a teacher, but for most people around here it's the same. The town I libe in (Sabinal) is truly just a shell of a town. We do have a drugstore, and there is a nurse who runs a clinic. THere's a doctor who comes in once a week. But that's it for the job market besides the school. The farmers sorta have jobs, but many of them need to commute to jobs to help support their family.

The farmers, in my opinion, are the heroes of this country - not the military who are trained to kill "ferriners". These folks and their families raise crops out of pride for the fact that they are feeding fellow citizens - not for profit. Most are lucky if they break even - and many farmers work extra jobs so they can feed their family. One teacher I work with is a farmer. Complains a heck of a lot, but when I ask him why he doesn't quit farming if it's that bad, his answer is: "Who's going to feed America if I don't help?" On the one hand I think he's nuts, but on the other hand I'm glad to know there's people who think that way. He's as old as I am (50+) - teaches all day, and rides his tractor all night. Some of his teaching $$$ goes to support the farm. Working poor.

Anyway, I was going to talk about how most people are in the same boat you talked about - needing to travel 50-60 miles just to have a job. Heck, there's teachers working up here who travel 75 miles one way just to work up here. It's nuts.

We often talk about how we're graduating 200 kids a year who, by necessity, if they want to work for a living, will have to move or commute. As you probably know, and entry level job does not pay enough to commute. What a mess our country is in - and all our financial resources are going to make sure that we protect the oil fields in Iraq and a pipeline if Afghanistan. Abd we all know that will fold in on us someday, which is whythe election ended up like it did. I'm so glad to see Americans starting to wake up!

When Bush first proposed this war I was close to being hung by people I work with. There's still a percentage who feel killing Iraquis is the most important agenda we have right now, but for the most part many are coming around and realizing that they are not making enough wages to feed their family - and they are teaching the future heads of family of America.

This is another subject, but I truly feel if we had one Iraqui child in each classroom in America that our prejudices would quickly end. The Iraquis are people just like us, who had a much better lifestyle 6 years ago than they do today.

I was saddened yesterday when we had our obligatory Veterans Day ceremony. There are two of us at the school who were Veterans, so the administration felt it obligatory to introduce us as such. Second graders ask things like "Which side were you on in the war, the good side or the bad side". I always use the same answer - I was on the bad side, and yes, I feel bad about that - but in war, both sides are the bad side. The three things that were spoken of - 1) to protect our country 2) our families and 3) our way of life were not things we fought for in Vietnam, nor are they things we are fighting for in Iraq. In the abstract, claiming oil fields may "help" our way of life; but there's no way - even in the abstract - you can say we are "protecting" our way of life by destroying the ways of life in another culture. If anything we are degrading our way of life by destroying other cultures.

12:16 PM  
Blogger Cholla Needles said...

Paper Mache - And, oops, I went off on a tagent and forgot to say Thanks! for visiting and leaving comments!!!

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Ohio might become a Democrat State...there just isn't any jobs , not good jobs anymore...the people who have it better than the rest of us are crying worse than the poor people..
my boss for instance...She is paralized...lives in a 350,ooo home,found out her well had ecoli in it, and has to buy about bitching...I've been there 11 years no raises, and it day the men mowing her gras asked for water..she told me to tell them to get it out of the hose...i told her no i will not..she said but that water costs money..that day was her 55th anniversary and he bought her 55 roses at 8 bucks a rose...yep, they are hurting...real bad.
our town is small and is run by people who's daddys was lawyers and judges who got a lot of money under the table when we was growing up...this past summer the big shots wanted a out of state huge trash dump to go in 3 miles out of town. 1,500 of us protested and signed against it..but it's going in as we the same exact time, Wallmart wanted to come build a store for our town..plenty of jobs...but the big shots in town said they couldn't sell tires, couldn't sell groceries, and a bunch of stuff, cause they was protecting little mom and pop places that hire maybe 2 people, ( usually their realtives)...and wallmart decided not to come..but we got the stupid dump...This word is run by a few, the rest do not have a voce no matter how hard they scream... it is sad...

5:33 AM  
Blogger Cholla Needles said...

Paper Mache -

That's a hard question - I've seen what Walmart does to small towns, and to me it's really sad. It's not like Walmart sells quality - so the quality of life goes down for every one. Having so many fewer local merchants makes life miserable for everyone - churches suffer, schools suffer, roads suffer, etc... And, the health of the community suffers because Walmart does not offer insurance to their employees and only pays minimum wage.

My wife asked me what I would do first if I were to miraculously be appointed president, and that was my answer - force all the walmarts to close - close down MacDonald's, Burger King, etc. Bring back the mom & pop restaurants and stores. I know. I'm getting old.

You're right about the wealthy people complaining more than the poor people. It's always been that way, and why the "poor will enter..." The poor have always been poor and know better than to complain, I believe =:-)

It's not the poor who are buying drugs and alcohol. It's not the poor who are buying SUV's.

Thanks for sharing!!!

And I received good news yesterday - Our local congressman (republican) is such a dirtbag that 6 democrats ran against him. I thought that would get him in automatically, but luckily here in Texas you need at least 50% of the votes to win, so we get to have a run-off. So, the dirtbag has another chance to lose - that's the good news. The bad news is he's using taxpayer money to advertise himself wildly all over the district. Sad.

7:24 AM  

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